CTAs are a must, or rather, new CTAs are a must. Because not just any boring, run-of-mill CTA work to give you better reach and engagement to be honest. Get rid of the ‘been-there-done-that’ type of calls to actions and bring in these fresher, newer ones that will get you more likes, more comments and more follows on social media.

New CTAs for Likes

Double tap if you agree

Drop a like, it’s free

Fill the heart!

Drop a heart if you found this useful.

Like this if you relate.

New CTAs for Saves

Save this post or you’ll forget it

Save this now and try it later

Save this to…. (to do something)… easily

Save this to fix…. (a pertinent problem or issue)

There’s too much value here. Save it for future reference!

New CTAs for Comments

Comment a ‘yes’ and …. (add incentive)

Tell me what you thing (downward pointing arrow or hand emoji)

Let’s chat in the comments

Tag someone who needs this

Share your thoughts in the comments

New CTAs for Shares

Send this to someone who needs it!

Relatable? Share it!

Spread the word!

Help us out, spread the awareness!

Isn’t this cool? Share it with your friends.

New CTAs to Turn On Notifications

We share value daily. Turn on notifications and never miss a post!

I’ll share more on this tomorrow. Turn on notifications so you don’t miss it.

Next big drop coming this week. Don’t forget to turn on notifications.

Be the first to comment and for a chance to get pinned in our stories Turn on notification so you don’t miss these opportunities.

Big giveaway coming soon. Turn on notifications so you don’t miss it.

New CTAs for Link Clicks

Tap the link in bio for exciting freebies.

Free sign up – link in bio!

Click the link in bio to get… (something)… for limited time only

Grab a special, limited time discount. Link in bio.

Free download today only. Link in bio.

This blog is part of blogchatter’s A2Z challenge.