About Us

Real People. Real Results.

Who We Are

We are a group of passionate professionals who feel strongly about helping small businesses get greater visibility online without having to shell out back-breaking sums of money. We are hear to show that smart digital marketing can work with all budgets.

Who We Serve

We are ready to serve any business that is online but is unable to make targeted and strategic efforts towards greater visibility and better sales. Whether it is working on the website or working on their social media, SayMe Marketing is here to offer affordable online marketing to all.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services in Johannesburg

Is boosting your business’s online visibility a tough, tiring game for you? Here’s how we can help.

Social Media is a Content Eating Monster

Social media visibility is not easy for businesses. You need to be on top of the content game, creating and posting content regularly, rain or shine. And that’s not all either. You have to research and use the right location and niche hashtags and in the right mix too. Your captions need to be on-point and engaging. And you need to be on top of your SMM (social media marketing), or paid social media ads game. Lastly, you have to spend time online, engaging with a select group of audiences. Gosh, even listing all that has made me tired.

If you’d rather offload this work, ours is the top social media marketing agency that you need to talk to us. We understand the importance of a well-executed strategy that aligns with your business goals and values. Let us develop a customized plan that resonates with your target audience and handles all aspects of your social media presence.

Experience the power of cutting-edge strategies and tools in our targeted ad campaigns. Our expert social media team guarantees maximum ROI and delivers the results you’ve been dreaming of.

Search Engine Optimization is a Mystery

For most businesses, Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a mystery. But as a leading SEO agency, our commitment to excellence drives us to remain current with the latest industry standards and best practices.

We create customized strategies for both on-page and off-page SEO that are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of your business, resulting in optimal and speedy results. By utilizing a data-driven approach, we ensure the success of our campaigns and continuously adapt our strategies to align with your goals. Our transparent reporting keeps you fully informed throughout the process, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in the exceptional work we deliver.

Experience the power of our top-notch SEO services. At our company, we are dedicated to delivering the best SEO solutions that guarantee remarkable results. Discover why countless businesses trust us with their SEO needs to enhance their online presence, skyrocket their website traffic and to maximize their conversions.

Easy and Fast WordPress Websites for All

For busy business owners with no prior experience in website development or coding, a custom website designed in Laravel, Drupal or other PHP languages can be a hassle. Updating these websites, getting them to stay up-to-date with Google updates and getting them to hit the green on Google page speed insights and Core Web Vitals can be a routine headache that will sooner or later require a full-time web developer (or at the very least someone on a retainer).

WordPress on the other hand is a very beginner-friendly website development platform. You can get yourself a WordPress theme and tweak it to suit your needs or custom design one for your business, but on WordPress, you know that you will never be without support. You can either do any routine edits and updates yourself or get a cost-effective freelancer to do it for you.

And that is exactly why SayMe Marketing recommends WordPress websites. And Ammad, our in-house WordPress wizard can recreate your vision to reality as a lightweight, fast-loading, SEO-friendly website so you are set up for success right from the word go.

Meet some of Our Clients

Desigual South Africa Project

Let’s Do It Together

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